Friday, September 26, 2008

grade 6 Mesopotamia wrap-up website

When you reach the website, scroll down past Day 15 to Computer Day/Virtual Field Trips. Choose a Field Trip. Read the Story, Explore it, and do the Challenge.

HW: in 1 - 3 paragraphs, answer the following Qs---
--What was the Field Trip?
--How did you perform the Trip? (describe the Trip)
--What were the results of your Challenge?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Grade 7 Explorers webquest

Presentations: Wed., 10/1
Resumes due: Thurs., 10/2

Monday, September 15, 2008

Wounded Knee research

Start Wounded Knee Massacre here:

grade 6---mesopotamia websites

go to:

1. read the lesson

2. go to:

3. write your name like an ancient Mesopotamian

4. hand-copy it onto paper (can use colored paper)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

We're off to a great first week! Students have shared vacation stories, family events and the like, and are now clearly ready to begin the serious business of learning and study.

I'm delighted that many students have kept up with the election news over the summer. They've posed insightful comments and questions, which have developed into full-group discussions. I encourage you to include your daughters in your own political discussions--the younger girls want to learn, and the older girls want to sharpen their debating and discussion skills. In order for us to keep up with the election news and other current events, we've subscribed to a selection of magazines and newspapers: Gr.5--Time for Kids; Gr.6--Current Events; Gr.7 & Gr.8--the online version of the New York Times. While the NY Times is free to the school (and is accessible from your home computer), TFK and Current Events require a subscription fee, which I'll ask for from each student. Details will follow in the next week or so.

Thank you to all the families who have contributed tissues, towels, and wipes; we have a good supply for cold and flu season!